Tuesday, April 14, 2020


April 14, 2020.

His Excellency,
Prince (Dr.) Dapo Abiodun, MFR
Governor of Ogun State


We bring you greetings from the leadership of youth of Ogun State.

2. We empathize with you on the burden of governance, particularly at this trying times and the continued dedication to the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. 

3. While identifying with the efforts of your government, it is noteworthy to express the disappointments of millions of our youths on the continued negligence to our welfare despite being the largest group of constituents. 

4. You will recall that of all different structures of our society, It is only the youth constituency, sequel to the directive of the leadership of NYCN Ogun State, that embarked on massive sensitization of citizens of Ogun State in different communities across the twenty (20) local governments. Additionally, it is this same set that redistribute themselves into different smaller units to continue intra community sensitization during the lockdown. it is regrettable that the welfare of these same youths who put their safety on the line will still not find respite in your batches of relief support.
5. Your Excellency, it seems necessary to remind you that majority of these same youths left without support are the small Business Owners, Okada riders, Butchers, Artisans, Traders, etc who depend on daily earnings for their means of survival, and that of their families. Our young people are no longer finding it comfortable to keep confidence and hope in a future assured somewhere.

6. It is therefore unnecessary to state that hunger is a respecter of no man. And it is only after a good meal that one can find the heart to forgive anyone, including one's kinsman.

7. May you be informed that since your assumption of office, the fruits of your several efforts towards ensuring the welfare of youth in Ogun State does not commensurate with the resilient support that you received from the largest constituency since your assumption of office with the #BuildingOurFutureAgenda. 

8. Needless to mention that the worrisome rate of criminal upsurge, as recently witnessed in our communities, has relation to the state of hopelessness that our people have been subjected to. We do not find it progressive of any government to continue deny more vulnerable youths access to relief items.

9. In our acts of magnanimity and empathy in accommodating your government so far, aside our efforts in sensitizing communities across the state, our leadership have also initiated a charity fund, among ourselves, to support thousands of vulnerable youths. These are part of what we have been doing to subdue  agitations among the youths since the commencement of this lockdown. 

10. Although, we probably may be touching more lives compared to those enjoying the largesse of your government. It is however disheartening that the total number of our beneficiaries still remains ridiculous compared to the population of the entire youths in dire need.

11. In view of the above observations, and the recent declaration of additional two (2) weeks of lockdown, we are compelled to call on your government, as a matter of urgency, to engage the leadership of the youths for immediate provision of relief items and other needful within the next seventy-two (72) hours.

12. Upon the expiration of this seventy-two (72) hours deadline, the youth leadership may withdraw further support to your government and mobilize all available resources to end the continued imprisonment and negligence of the welfare of our industrious youths whose daily means of livelihood remains grounded with no support worthy of giving temporary relief.

13. Furthermore, a Press Conference shall be organized to charge our youths to begin go about their daily businesses without any fear of intimidation. No government should prevent her people's means of livelihood, and still deny them of movements; such position is not only suicidal but also criminal for any right thinking leadership.

14. Your Excellency, it is paramount you note that those who have nothing left to loose have nothing to fear, and are bound to remain dangerous to the safety of both the rich and the poor. We, as responsible youth leaders, cannot continue fold our arms while the state graduates into a state of complete lawlessness owing to poor welfarism and continued use of state powers to intimidate and enforce lockdown orders.

15. We wish you divine guidance for more fruitful efforts in your decision making.

16. Yours in youth development;


Com. Akolawole Shoremi
State Secretary, NYCN

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